Camargo Township District Library Genealogy

Browse Items (414 total)

  • CTDL104835.jpg

    Class of 1958 - 35 year HS class reunion held at Tri-City Country Club
    Row 1: Chandler, Kathie (Dickason); Dickason, Kathie; Adams, Pat (Helm); Helm, Patricia
    Row 2: Schroeder, Donna (Love); Love, Donna
    Brown, Betty Jo (Sheets): Sheets, Betty Jo; Van Fossan, Janet (Farrier); Farrier, Janet; Bradham, Carolyn (Sawyer); Sawyer, Carolyn; Sawyer, Carolyn (Weaver); Weaver, Carolyn; Morse, Billy; Howard, Stephen; Jacobs, Marlene (Melton); Melton, Marlene; Gilles, John
    Row 3: Tay, Neal; Turner, Roger; Smith, Fred; Wegeng, Bill; Billman, Rich; Madigan, Phil; Griffith, Darrel; Kincanon, Richard; Dempsey, Jack; Ward, Philip
  • CTDL104830.jpg

    Class of 1958 - 30 year HS class reunion held at Tri-City Country Club
    Row 1: Griffith, Darrel; Gilles, John; Woods, Ron; Shoemaker, Perry; Howard, Stephen; Morse, Bill; Smith, Fred
    Row 2: Love, Bob; Chandler, Kathie (Dickason); Dickason, Kathie; Bradhan, Carolyn (Sawyer); Sawyer, Carolyn; VanFossan, Janet (Farris); Farris, Janet; Jacobs, Marlene (Melton); Melton, Marlene; Love, Donna (Schroeder); Schroeder, Donna ; Hatchel, Carol (Christian); Christian, Carol
    Brown, Betty Jo (Sheets): Sheets, Betty Jo
    Row 3: Wade, Ron; Wegeng, Bill; Gaines, Jerry (superintendent); Turner, Roger; Ward, Philip; Cler, Phil
    Row 4: Madigan, Phil; Weir, W. George; Tay, Neal; McGrath, Edd; Reinhart, John; Kincannon, Richard
  • CTDL104755.jpg

    Class of 1957 - 55 year HS class reunion held at Masonic Lodge
    Row 1: Tompkins, Marie (Griffith); Griffith, Marie; McGee, Janie (Huber); Huber, Janie; Heneghan, Sandi (Matteson); Matteson, Sandi; Morse, Barbara (Crouse); Crouse, Barbara
    Row 2: Tondini, Maynard; Melton, Keith; Oakes, Ed; Hillard, Dale; Montgomery, Bob; Jones, Bill
  • CTDL104750.jpg

    Class of 1957 - 50 year HS class reunion held at Tri-City Country Club
    Row 1: Zinser, Steele; Fenwick, Rex; Melton, Keith; Montgomery, Bob
    Row 2: Beyers, Kathy (Cler); Cler, Kathy; Shoemaker, Carolyn; Love, Carolyn (Shoemaker); Miller, Beverly (Parrott); Parrott, Beverly; Haines, DiAnne (Teter); Teter, DiAnne; Shunk, Sherrill (Cook); Cook, Sherrill; Eastin, Mytie Jane (Simpson); Simpson, Mytie Jane; Morse, Barbara (Crouse); Crouse, Barbara; Jacobs, Lee [teacher]
    Row 3: Tondini, Maynard; Christian, Jim; Friesner, Jim; Jones, Bill; Hardyman, Jerry; Hunt, Keith; McGee, Janie (Huber); Huber, Janie; Hillard, C. Dale; Statzer, Lynn (Jones); Jones, Lynn; Kionka, Sandra (Sellers); Sellers, Sandra; Oakes, Ed; Tompkins, Marie
  • CTDL104745.jpg

    Class of 1957 - 45 year HS class reunion held at home of Bill Jones
    Row 1: Love, Carolyn (Shoemaker); Shoemaker, Carolyn; Statzer, Lynn (Jones); Jones, Lynn; Melton, Keith; Heneghan, Sandi (Matteson); Matteson, Sandi; Hunt, Keith; Jones, Bill
    Row 2: Jacobs, Lee [teacher]; Shunk, Sherrill (Cook); Cook, Sherrill; McGee, Janie (Huber); Huber, Janie; Schmidt, Jo Ann (Best); Best, Jo Ann; Rogers, Deanna (Robertson,); Robertson, Deanna; Beyers, Kathy (Cler); Cler, Kathy; Tompkins, Marie (Griffith); Griffith, Marie; Bickers, Judy (Snodgrass); Snodgrass, Judy; Knocke, Elizabeth (Kraus); Kraus, Elizabeth
    Row 3: Oakes, Ed; Collins, Larraine (Talkington); Talkington, Larraine; Morse, Barbara (Crouse); Crouse, Barbara; Kionka, Sandra (Sellers); Sellers, Sandra; Simpson, Myrtie Jane (Eastin); Eastin, Myrtie Jane; Miller, Beverly (Parrott); Parrott, Beverly; Haines, DiAnne (Teter); Teter, DiAnne; Christian, Jim
    Row 4: Greger, John; Berry, Jim; Tondini, Maynard; Zinser, Steele; Montgomery, Bob; Payton, Don; Massie, Ed; Fenwick, Rex
  • CTDL104740.jpg

    Class of 1957 - 40 year HS class reunion held at Tri-City Country Club
    Row 1: Montgomery, Robert; Jones, Bill; Christian, Jim; Hillard, C. Dale
    Row 2: McGee, Janie (Huber); Huber, Janie; Statzer, Lynn (Jones); Jones, Lynn; Schmidt, Joann (Best); Best, Joanne; Heneghan, Sandi (Matteson); Matteson, Sandi; Morse, Barbara (Crouse); Crouse, Barbara
    Row 3: Oakes, Ed; Greger, John; Hunt, Keith
  • CTDL104735.jpg

    Class of 1957 - 35 year HS class reunion held at Pub & Grub
    Row 1: Eastin, Myrtle Jane (Eastin); Simpson, Myrtle Jane; Block, Patricia (Mooney); Mooney, Patricia; Melton, Sharon (Eversole); Eversole, Sharon; Heneghan, Sandi (Matteson); Matteson, Sandi; Beyers, Kathy (Cler); Cler, Kathy; Miller, Beverly (Parrott); Parrott, Beverly
    Row 2: Morse, Barbara (Crouse); Crouse, Barbara; McGee, Janie (Huber); Huber, Janie; Melton, Keith; Hillard, C. Dale; Schmidt, Jo Ann (Best); Best, Jo Ann; Hunt, Keith
    Row 3: Oakes, Ed; Montgomery, Bob; Keith, Kerry; Berry, James; Jones, Bill; Greger, John; Tondini, Maynard
  • CTDL104730.jpg

    Class of 1957 - 30 year HS class reunion held at home of Bill Jones
    Row 1: Hunt, Keith; Keith, Kerry; Fenwick, Rex; Hillard, Dale; Melton, Keith
    Row 2: Greger, John; Jones, Bill; Shunk, Sherrill (Cook); Cook, Sherrill; Block, Patricia (Mooney); Mooney, Patricia; Haines, DiAnne (Teter); Teter, DiAnne; McGee, Janie (Huber); Huber, Janie; Morse, Barbara (Crouse); Crouse, Barbara; Montgomery, Bob
    Row 3: Tondini, Maynard; Heneghan, Sandi (Matteson); Matteson, Sandi; Melton, Sharon (Eversole); Eversole, Sharon; Schmidt, Jo Ann (Best); Best, Jo Ann; Eastin, Myrtle Jane (Simpson); Simpson, Myrtle Jane; Miller, Beverly (Parrott); Parrott, Beverly; Berry, James
  • CTDL104650.jpg

    Class of 1956 - 50 year HS class reunion held at Tri-City Country Club
    Soloman, Janet (Ament): Ament, Janet; Tuttle, Linda (Beccue); Beccue, Linda; Gentry, Vicki (English); English, Vicki; Casebeer, Harriette; Horsch, Hannah (Casebeer); Casebeer, Hannah; Hoggatt, Polly (Nalley); Nalley, Polly; Elston, Lynne (Bean); Bean, Lynne
    Row 2: Bennett, Don
    Jackson, Ruth (Brown)
    Brown, Ruth: Madigan, Pat; Pyle, Kenny; Godsell, Rita (Rund); Rund, Rita; Miller, Joan (Jolley); Jolley, Joan; Dubson, Jerry; Statzer, Neil
    Row 3: Fisher, Art
    Brown, Mark: Madigan, Myrna Jean (Rochat); Rochat, Myrna Jean; Blagg, Letha (Pfeffer); Pfeffer, Letha; Fonner, Gilby; Elbs, Tom; Heneghan, Larry; Lourash, Paul
  • CTDL104645.jpg

    Class of 1956 - 45 year HS class reunion held at VFW
    Tuttle, Linda (Beccue): Beccue, Linda; Casebeer, Harriette; Soloman, Janet (Ament); Ament, Janet; Gentry, Vicky (English); English, Vicky; Miller, Joan (Jolley); Jolley, Joan; Elston, Lynne (Bean); Bean, Lynne
    Row 2: Dubson, Jerry; Horsch, Hannah (Casebeer); Casebeer, Hannah; Lourash, Paul; Madigan, Patrick; Ross, Judy (Gire); Gire, Judy; Godsell, Rita (Rund); Rund, Rita
    Row 3: Statzer, Neil; Berry, Kenneth; Wade, Dennis
    Brown, Mark: Elbs, Tom; Fisher, Art; Bennett, Don
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