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Class of 1954 (30 Year)
Class of 1954 - 30 year HS class reunion held at home of Vernon Billman
Row 1: Rund, Ted; Kylan, Beverly; Farrier, Pat (Enyart); Enyart, Pat; Hancock, Bill; Hayek, Benita (Tanous); Tanous, Benita; Huber, Agnes (Thomas); Thomas, Agnes; Miller, Bob
Row 2: McCollom, Jim; McCollom, Wilma (Keith); Keith, Wilma; Jester, Clarice (Smith); Smith, Clarice; Hausman, Marie (Nonman); Nonman, Marie; Schultz, Janice (Best); Best, Janice; Shunk, Nancy (Maris); Maris, Nancy; Lourash, Kay (Shunk); Shunk, Kay; Hancock, Marilyn (Tay); Tay, Marilyn; Crouse, Richard
Row 3: Bretz, Charles; Anderson, Peggy; Mitsdarfer, Vic; Billman, Vernon; Huber, Bill; Gilles, Bill; Rund, Jerry; Shunk, Ray -
Class of 1954 (35 Year)
Class of 1954 - 35 year HS class reunion
Row 1: Enyart, Pat; McCollom, Wilma (Keith); Keith, Wilma; Shunk, Nancy (Maris); Maris, Nancy; Hausman, Marie (Nonman); Nonman, Marie; Ingram, Jeanette (Hettinger); Hettinger, Jeanette; Lourash, Kay (Shunk); Shunk, Kay; Hancock, Marilyn (Tay); Tay, Marilyn; Buckner, Mary (Parr); Parr, Mary; Watkins, Linda; Hausman, Ben
Row 2: Goldsberry, Peggy (Anderson); Anderson, Peggy; Shunk, Ray; Rund, Jerry; Gilles, Bill; Billman, Vern; Mitsdarfer, Vic; Miller, Bob; McCollom, Jim; Hancock, Bill; Crouse, Richard -
Class of 1954 (40 Year)
Class of 1954 - 40 year HS class reunion
Row 1: McCollom, Wilma (Keith); Keith, Wilma; Lourash, Kay; Hancock, Marilyn (Tay); Tay, Marilyn; Huber, Agnes; Stebbins, Ruth; Shunk, Nancy; Hoskins, Juanita; Enyart, Pat
Row 2: McCollom, Jim; Huber, Bill; Hancock, Larry; Rund, Jerry; Mitsdarfer, Vic; Hancock, Bill; Miller, Bob; Billman, Vern; Bretz, Charles; Goldsberry, Peggy (Anderson); Anderson, Peggy; Redden, Anna (Patton); Patton, Anna; Jester, Clarice (Smith); Smith, Clarice; Crouse, Richard -
Class of 1954 (45 Year)
Class of 1954 - 45 year HS class reunion held at home of Bill and Marilyn Hancock
Row 1: Enyart, Pat (Farrier); Farrier, Pat; McCollom, Wilma (Keith); Keith, Wilma; Shunk, Nancy (Maris); Maris, Nancy; Hausman, Marie (Nonman); Nonman, Marie
Row 2: Huber, Bill; McCollom, Jim; Hancock, Marilyn (Tay); Tay, Marilyn; Huber, Agnes (Thomas); Thomas, Agnes; Hancock, Bill
Row 3: Mooney, George; Mitsdarfer, Victor; Billman,Vernon; Jester, Clarice (Smith); Smith, Clarice; Goldsberry, Peggy (Anderson); Anderson, Peggy -
Class of 1954 (50 Year)
Class of 1954 - 50 year HS class reunion held at home of Bill and Marilyn Hancock
Row 1: Jacobs, Lee [teacher]; Hancock, Marilyn (Tay); Tay, Marilyn; Huber, Agnes (Thomas); Thomas, Agnes; Watkins, Linda; Shunk, Nancy (Maris); Maris, Nancy; Jester, Clarice (Smith); Smith, Clarice
Row 2: Crum, Bill [teacher & coach]; Hancock, Bill; McCollom, Wilma (Keith); Keith, Wilma; McCollom, Jim; Huber, Bill; Enyart, Pat (Farrier); Farrier, Pat; Lourash, Kay (Shunk); Shunk, Kay
Row 3: Miller, Robert; Hausman, Ben; Crouse, Richard; Gilles, Bill; Lewis, Shorty; Livengood, Barbara (Doppelheuer); Doppelheuer, Barbara
Row 4: Shunk, Ray; Bretz, Charles; Rund, Jerry; Goldsberry, Peggy (Anderson); Anderson, Peggy; Fields, Lawrence; Mooney, George; Billman,Vernon -
Class of 1954 (55 Year)
Class of 1954 - 55 year HS class reunion held at home of Dale and Nancy Shunk
Row 1: McCollom, Wilma (Keith); Keith, Wilma; Huber, Agnes (Thomas); Thomas, Agnes; Enyart, Pat (Farrier); Farrier, Pat; Ingram, Jeanette (Hettinger); Hettinger, Jeanette
Row 2: McCollom, Jim; Shunk, Nancy (Maris); Maris, Nancy; Huber, William; Crouse, Dick; Jester, Clarice (Smith); Smith, Clarice; Rund, Ted ; Miller, Bob; Bretz, Charles; Goldsberry, Peggy (Anderson); Anderson, Peggy -
Class of 1955 (30 Year)
Class of 1955 - 30 year HS class reunion held at VFW
Row 1: Gilmer, Sue (Culp); Culp, Sue; Carter, Carol (Cler); Cler, Carol; Sutton, Janice (Reedy); Reedy, Janice
Rowe, Melva: Hatchel, Helen (Vandeventer); Vandeventer, Helen
Row 2: Babb, Jack; Edwards, Alma (Waggle); Waggle, Alma; Crawford, J. D. ; Schaefer, Jackie (Wade); Wade, Jackie; Hanson, Susie (Montgomery); Montgomery, Susie; Murray, Patricia (Patton); Patton, Patricia
Row 3: Gilmer, Jim; Knox, Chuck; Gentry, Bob; Martin, Carl; Lourash, Don; Allen, Gary -
Class of 1955 (35 Year)
Class of 1955 - 35 year HS class reunion held at home of Dick and Deliece Crouse
Row 1: Moore, Shirley (Dyke); Dyke, Shirley; Hackett, Delores (Woodall); Woodall, Delores; Hatchel, Helen (Vandeventer); Vandeventer, Helen; Baab, Ruth (Bosch); Bosch, Ruth; Mullins, Nellie (Bosch); Bosch, Nellie; Dyar, Patsy (Anderson); Anderson, Patsy; Hanson, Norma Sue (Montgomery); Montgomery, Norma Sue; Crouse, Deliece (Woodall); Woodall, Deliece
Row 2: Naive, Alma; Carter, Carol (Cler); Cler, Carol; Cler, Rosie; Naive, Wayne; Knox, Chuck; Schaefer, Jackie (Wade); Wade, Jackie
Rowe, Melva: Allen, Gary
Row 3: Blackford, Charles; Martin, Carl; Miller, Roger -
Class of 1955 (40 Year)
Class of 1955 - 40 year HS class reunion held at home of Chuck Knox
Row 1: Hanson, Norma Sue (Montgomery); Montgomery, Norma Sue; Yachabach, Robbie (Dappelheuer); Dappelheuer, Robbie; Flavin, Mary Ellen (Reinhart); Reinhart, Mary Ellen
Row 2: Hackett, Delores (Woodall); Woodall, Delores; Murray, Patricia (Patton); Patton, Patricia; Sutton, Janice (Reedy); Reedy, Janice; Whitmarsh, Sharon (Riddell); Riddell, Sharon; Crouse, Deliece (Woodall); Woodall, Deliece
Row 3
Rowe, Melva: Dyar, Patsy Anderson; Anderson, Patsy
Row 4: Carter, Carol (Cler); Cler, Carol; Schaefer, Jackie (Wade); Wade, Jackie; Hatchel, Helen (Vandeventer); Vandeventer, Helen; Allen, Gary; Babb, Jack; Blackford, Charles; Simpson, James
Row 5: Eisenmenger, Bill; Crawford, J. D.; Kincanon, Eric; Gentry, Bob; Knox, Chuck; Martin, Carl; Martin, Everett; Love, Ron -
Class of 1955 (45 Year)
Class of 1955 - 45 year HS class reunion held at Pizza Man
Row 1: Carter, Carol (Cler); Cler, Carol; Hatchel, Helen (Vandeventer); Vandeventer, Helen; Rutherford, Delores (Woodall); Woodall, Delores; Flavin, Mary Ellen (Reinhart); Reinhart, Mary Ellen
Row 2: Allen, Gary; Sutton, Janice (Reedy); Reedy, Janice; Dyar, Patsy (Anderson); Anderson, Patsy
Rowe, Melva: Schaefer, Jackie (Wade); Wade, Jackie; Moore, Shirley (Dyke); Dyke, Shirley
Row 3: Gentry, Bob; Rogers, Del; Miller, Roger; Martin, Everett; Knox, Chuck; Martin, Carl